Designing Operating Models
Program and Project Delivery
IT Service Management
Services Include: Service Architecture, Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Requirements, Financial Modelling, Procurement, Transition, Operations, and Continual Service Improvement based on the ITIL Framework and ISO 20000
NEW SERVICE PILOTING NOW: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion based on ISO 30415
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Do these problems look similar to some of the issues your organisation is facing?
Here is a selection of some real customer pain points resolved:
- We have a nationally significant event requiring rapid scaling to deliver VIP-grade service within tight timeframes.
- We need to replace legacy systems and digitise our workflows
- identify our costs, services, customers, and team responsibilities
- What are our costs, what are our services, who are our customers, which team is responsible for what
- Address issues in service delivery and determine corrective actions
- We have two distinct service management models, how do we integrate them
- We are moving to a new supplier, what should we want
- We need to quickly establish credibility with a demanding new customer can you help us
- We are negotiating a contract, we need someone who understands service management & procurement
- Our service delivery needs improvement, can you perform a maturity assessment and help us improve
- Our customer is in intensive care, can you help in recovery
- Our auditors have identified process shortcomings; can you help us resolve them
- We continuously roll out new technical solutions to clients and require orderly handover to Business as Usual (BAU) support
- We need to improve customer satisfaction by reviewing our processes
The Service Life Cycle - a Service Catalog which encompasses all aspects of the Service Business Life Cycle
Collaborating with you to identify gaps and develop a strategy using this model
0. The Why - Business Philosophy, strategy & drivers
Business case, business plan, overall strategy & model
1. Initiation - if you are starting off
Location, hiring, infrastructure, core systems, processes
2. Technology - the tools part of people, processes, tools & partners
Tools, support platform, call logging, telephony, call routing, multi-channel support
3. People - your own people; as well as suppliers and vendors
Building effective teams, conducting appraisals, setting goals, managing compensation, incentives, and rewards, planning rosters, facilitating career growth and retention, succession planning, knowledge management, training and development, enhancing team dynamics and staff morale, energizing and transforming teams, improving internal communications
4. Customer - the people you are serving
Segmentation, relationship, key accounts, customer communications, new customer on-boarding, customer satisfaction bench-marking, measurement, improvement, proactive service, escalations, intensive care, reference customers, marketing communications, customer loyalty, user groups
5. Finance - dollars and sense
Billing, renewals, retention, budgeting, forecasting, new business dev, new offerings, support & service programs, service & support models, contracts, grand-fathering & retiring old versions and superseded contracts, (multi)-vendor & alliance management
6. Operations - processes
Reporting, KPIs, scorecards, capacity planning, escalations, critical situations, call flow models, service delivery, continual improvement, alliances, external providers, offshore providers, 3rd level support, organisational readiness for new products, versions & releases, 24 hr support
7. Excellence - taking your operations to the next level
Customer satisfaction measurement, bench-marking & improvement, matrixed organisations, local vs global, ITIL, Lean, ISO 20000, frameworks, standards
8. Mergers, Acquisition, Exit - completing the life cycle
Integration of operations on account of mergers & acquisitions, divestitures & spin-offs, exitsResults
Current state evaluation, future state operating model, identification of gaps and overlaps, development of requirements, creation of RFI/RFP, vendor response evaluation & selection, contract negotiations, SLAs, program and project management, implementation, business analysis, transition, handover to BAU, continual service improvement
Meeting your business drivers; reduction in costs, improved customer satisfaction and higher staff engagement
22 Proof Points
List of project assignments
1. Parliamentary Service - RFI for Technology Partner; link
Built on the work done previously with the "Cost to Serve" model, provided specialist consulting expertise to the RFI. Extract from the document:"PS currently outsources a number of technology services to third party service partners. PS is on a journey to reduce the amount of its resources devoted to managing commodity platforms to focus on technology services that support and transforms the business. We require technology partner(s) who can assist in this transformation and help us deliver operational excellence."
Result: internal responsibilities agreed and allocated, new technology partner(s) selected, scene set for new operating model to be implemented.
2. Parliamentary Service - ServiceNow ITSM Implementation
Result: Successful implementation within 3 months, replacement of legacy systems for cost savings, digitisation of workflows, optimisation of subscription costs. In addition, led the upgrade to Quebec, acted as the defacto keeper of ServiceNow, kicked off ServiceNow HR Service Delivery implementation.
3. Parliamentary Service - Cost to Serve Model
Prepared the framework required to gain granularity of services and associated costs to deliver to internal and external customers.Prepared the framework required to gain granularity of services and associated costs to deliver to internal and external customers. Result: definitive visibility of costs previously not available for management control.
4. Parliamentary Service - Elections 2020; link
Project Managed multiple streams of work for IST program of work including working with complex and demanding stakeholders, embedding processes, upgrading tool-sets, managing partners for a series of high visibility events that comprise a typical election. Result: very successful program of work delivered, extreme credibility and confidence in IST.
5. ServiceNow Partner Red Moki - VP Customer Success
Led the efforts to ensure Red Moki delivered a super high quality ServiceNow initiatives consistent across customers regardless of type, size or geography. Led a team of talented Customer Success professionals for this rapidly growing organisation in startup mode.
6. Spark - Enterprise Service Architect
Reviewed service delivery & performance, mapped current state, created options, defined future state operating models, defined transition strategy, responded to RFIs & RFPs, project managed transitions & deployments, conducted workshops, created, reviewed, accepted & implemented new models, processes, plans, documentation & artefacts. Results: Generating customer confidence, successful implementations, and closing significant new business.List of Spark Assignments:
a. Z Energy Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)b. GCSB Service Management Design & Consulting
c. Department of Corrections Cloud Digital Enablement Platform (CDEP)
d. Department of Statistics Security Management Implementation
e. Police Next Generation Critical Communication (NGCC) Response to RFI
f. ANZ Response to Service Management RFP
g. Department of Conservation Mobile Devices as a Service (MDaaS) &
h. Ministry of Justice Service Mapping Network Services
i. Contact Energy; link
7. Ministry of Education - Service Management Specialist; linkService Strategy & Design - developed Service Catalog and the Service Management model to successfully on-board EPL (Novopay) infrastructure. On the success of this, translated the overall Digital Strategy into the Service Management Strategy, created a wider sector-wide Service Management Model, the Service Management Road-map, the Work Breakdown Structure and template cookie-cutter Project Plan. Result: successful onboarding of new customer.
List of Education Assignments:
a. Digital Service Strategy (Education Sector-wide) Service Architecture & Strategy
b. Education Payroll Limited (Novopay) - Service Design & Transition
8. Voco – eTOM Consultant, Requirements Analysis
Analysed over 1,200 requirements against the eTOM framework (privileged & confidential).
9. NZ Transport Agency – Service Designer
Created Minimum Viable Service Design in a very compressed time-frames to support a new road toll solution.
10. Vodafone NZ (Inland Revenue & MBIE) – Enterprise Service Designer
Service Design & Transition - crafted over 17 Service Catalogs to successfully transition solutions into Vodafone’s largest and commercially critical customers. Scope included: Contact Centres, Communications, Connectivity, Wi-Fi, Security, Mobility.
11. Telecom NZ – Project Manager
Successfully managed complex migrations in the mobile & broadband space. Scope included pre-paid, post-paid, 4G LTE call plans, hardware infrastructure & broadband throttle policy. Result: 6 successful migrations.
12. Fronde – ITIL Consultant, Service Operations, Road-map for Continual Service
Service Strategy, Operations & Continual Service Improvement - commenced with CMMI Process Maturity Assessment and culminated with a pragmatic road-map to future state. Result: 7 actionable deliverables to improve service delivery.
13. Gen-i (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Sydney) - Lead Business Analyst, Service Transition; link
Service Transition - established rock solid Service Management credentials with CBA for Gen-i on the “Nortel to Genesys Contact Centre migration” (Direct Banking STEP project); developed High Level Service Management Plan. Business Services in scope: Channels, Retail, Contact Centres, Telephony, Connectivity.14. ANZ National - Service Management Work Stream Lead, Service Strategy, Design & Transition; link
Service Strategy, Design, Transition - increased first call resolution to 75% from 30%), transitioned 4 Service Desks (no service degradation), harmonised 2 disparate service models. Result: maintained the #1 customer satisfaction ranking of the ANZ Technical Service Desk within the ANZ Financial Group globally, at a time of significant transformation.15. Meridian Energy - Service Management Consultant
Created Future State IT Service Operating Model16. Beca - Service Management Consultant
Requirements, Procurement and Future State IT Service Model. Result: new suppliers selected17. Contact Energy - Service Management Consultant
Service Improvement and Service Improvement
18. Flute Network (Dunedin) - Service Management Consultant Flute Network (Dunedin) - Service Management Consultant
Created Future State IT Service Management Model
19. NZ Racing Board - Service Management Consultant; link
Requirements, Procurement, Service Operations. Performed CMMI Process Maturity Assessment, addressed audit shortcomings, developed requirements, assisted in RFI response evaluation, SME for contract negotiations, reviewed proposed new processes. Resuts: Audit findings addressed, transitioned services to new network provider.
20. Opus - Service Management Consultant
Requirements, Procurement and Future State IT Service Model21. Transpower - Service Management Consultant, Service Design, Operating Model
Service Design, Future State Operating Model, Requirements, Risk Analysis - created 18 Service Catalogs for voice, data & telecommunication services. Developed Future State Model, documented requirements, assisted in commercial options & risk analysis (ISO 31000).22. Accident Compensation Corporation - Service Management Consultant, Service Transition
Service Transition - 33 internal & external resolver groups coordinated to migrate seamlessly from Unisys to Gen-i.It all begins with an idea.
You have an idea, together we script its success. We are used to doing this.
- New Zealand CIO Awards 2024 Community Tech Champions
- Wellington Airport Community Awards 2024 for New Zealand Centre for Digital Connections with India
Sunit Prakash
Finalist NZ CIO Awards 2024, Director-level executive with global experience, a portfolio of blue chip customers and a track record of delivering successful assignments.
As Director Support Operations for a Nasdaq listed ERP vendor, led the significant transformation of Asia Pacific Japan to Best in Class customer satisfaction using Lean, published case study on Amazon.
Largest, visible, significant, and most successful projects:
1. Telecom Refresh Project synching two disparate ANZ & National Bank Service Models
2, Elections 2020 for Parliamentary Service
Failure was not an option, it would have made the national news !
Developed a library of models to quickly and easily understand the current state and work out future state options with you.
Net nett:
Over 20 satisfied customers, over 20 successful projects, over 20 years’ experience, and a sound understanding of complex delivery models evidenced by awards.
Scripting stories, turning them into reality, winning accolades for you.
Co-Founder of the New Zealand Centre for Digital Connections with India. Found a gap in the market, scripted the story, turned it into reality.
The understanding at a national, organisational, community & individual level of the issues, opportunities & solutions resulted in becoming finalists within 12 months of launch for:
1. NZ CIO Awards Community Tech Champions - one of only 3 nationwide
2. Wellington Airport Community Awards
Member IT Professionals NZ, Chartered IT Professional, ITIL, ISO20000 & TOGAF certifications
Familiar with:
eTOM, COBIT, ISO9000, ISO27000, ISO31000, SIAM & SFIA
Strategic Lean Service on Amazon
New Zealand Centre for Digital Connections with India
NEW SERVICE: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Coaching, Guiding & Mentoring
Clarity of Thought, Speed of Execution
- Hone in on key concerns
- Develop a pragmatic strategy
- See it through to execution
Guaranteed two insights as they apply to your situation, or the coffee is on me
Have the quality conversation
© 2015